The Utility Connection

Search The Utility Connection

Power User Tips

[1]   Key in search term or word.
[2]   Left click the term/word (exclude quotes).
[3]   Right click on highlighted term/word &
      select copy from menu, or
      Ctrl-c for copy.
[4]   Click on "Search".
[5]   Click on a selected document(TUC page) from search result.
[6]   Let it load - Then
      Microsoft IE 4.1+ >>> menu select Edit | Find.
      Netscape 4.08+ >>> menu select Edit | Find in page.
[7]   In "Find what:" box:
      (a) key Ctrl-v for paste or
      (b) right click & select paste from menu.
[8]   Click on "Find Next".



The Utility Connection ~ © 1995 -1999 M.L. Metzler